Monday, September 8, 2008



ORGANIC? The term "organic" is being used with increasing frequency as we become ever more concerned with the safety and quality of our environment and the foods we eat, and with good cause.

Despite this common usage, much confusion remains as to what "organic gardening" entails, what makes a garden "sustainable", and how to garden optimally.

Fundamentally, and stated in the simplest possible way, organic gardening combines an understanding of nature with long-established gardening traditions and modern scientific discoveries to create a method of raising and caring for plants without the use of synthetic chemical pesticides or fertilizers. With the goal to produce foods which are optimally adapted to our nutritional needs.

Relevant techniques and methods include "soil design" and management, composting, companion planting, perhaps to the point of creating "Edible Ecosystems", interplanting, mulching, soil amendments, crop rotation, the possible use of beneficial insects, integrated pest management (IPM), and other approaches when necessary. All are important aspects of organic gardening, although some are more fundamental than others.

At , we are committed to introduce you to what is the most effective, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly approach to growing at least part of your own food.

WHY? The main reason why you will want to make Organic and Sustainable Gardening part of your life is simply because it's an integral part of maintaining your health and the health of your family, as well as attaining and keeping a state of optimal health. In fact, perhaps the most essential part there is. To be honest, doing so, might even save your life. Cancer, stroke, cardio-vascular and immune-system diseases, to say nothing about diabetes, obesity and chronic illnesses are not something that happens just to others... Sooner or later, if you eat the “SAD” way, they will hit home... If they haven't already!

The founder of medicine as we know it was the Greek philosopher and physician Hippocrates. The most basic principle Hippocrates went by was : "Let thy food be thy medicine". Age old wisdom expanded on this, telling us: "You are what you eat". How true that is!

Indeed, one thing is clear, eating the SAD (Standard American Diet) way, you and your loved ones will pay daily in form of obesity, constantly degrading looks and health, and soon chronic and then acute diseases. Till the one that will finally kill you. It matters little if the winner in the race to kill you will be cancer, stroke or cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, immune system collapse, or whatever: The end result will always be the same. Exactly as the cause will always have been the same: An inadequate diet, and poor nutrition.

Eating like they'd be garbage dumps or sewers is a choice most people seem to make. Sure, if it is an informed choice, it is their right to make it. However, the question is, would people make the choices they make, if they were properly informed? That highly questionable, even if of course another issue altogether...

As for yourself, the very fact that you read this right now shows that YOU are already informed enough to start making the right choices... It's entirely up to you to make them on an on-going basis, it is your right to choose health over disease, it is certainly in no way illegal to do so, and we will show you here that the necessary choices are in no way overly complex or out of your reach.

In fact, anyone with a backyard, a rooftop or in some way access to some patch of land, such as a "Community Garden" space, or simply a neighbor's backyard, can make the easiest and most fundamental of these right choices, namely, to start producing at least part of your own food.

And if you don't have the time or inclination to do it yourself, just let other people do it for you, for a fee, or in some sort of barter deal. And if nothing else is possible, find out some CSA ("Community Supported Agriculture") in your area, and become a member.

Just be aware that what you do when you choose organic gardening, is simply to choose to take your own destiny back in your own hands, and out of the hands of the merchants of disease and death, which we all have patronized way too long.

Want to know more??? Just email us!

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