Tuesday, September 2, 2008

ComAd10: Victory Over Disease through Organic & Sustainable Gardening

ComAd10: Victory Over Disease through Organic & Sustainable Gardening

This is another ComAd on the same theme, based of course on the findings of the "China Project" as illustrated in the seminal book by Pr Campbell.


Victory Over Disease through Organic & Sustainable Gardening (Your backyard or Community Garden space)
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here Date: 2008-09-02, 2:38PM PDT

Gardening and Victory Over Disease.

The victory we are talking about here is not the type of victory in a foreign war that was the background of the Victory Gardens of 1942-1946, but a type of victory that much people will think of as even more important: Their own, that is, *your* own Victory over Disease, and particularly chronic and degenerative diseases such as cancer, stroke and cardio-vascular diseases, diabetes, immune system dysfunctions and the like.

In other words, the Victory of Health over Illness.

How something as simple as Organic and Sustainable Gardening could possibly insure such a thing was unclear, until recently. With the release of the data accumulated by three of the world's most prestigious learning institution in three leading countries, the US, UK and China, data collected over a period of twenty years in what is officially called the “China Project”, this is becoming more and more self-evident.

This enormous accumulation of raw data has been hailed as “the most comprehensive study in human nutrition ever made”, and certainly is. In turn, the data led to the writing of a seminal book by no less than the head of the “China Project”, a Professor Emeritus of Nutrition at Cornell University, which explores the conclusions that can be made.

Victory on the Health Front is possible, because today the most advanced researchers in the field of nutrition have come to a startling conclusion: Disease is 95%+ function of what and how we eat. Avoidance of disease is actually a fairly simple process that starts with something anyone can do: Avoidance of the SAD type of eating – SAD standing for “Standard American Diet”, and heavy reliance on fresh foods grown locally, and raw when possible. Ideally, on foods grown in one's own garden, whether that be in your backyard or at a community garden, or in CSA (Consumer Supported Agriculture) endeavors, or, if nothing else is available, at local TRUE “Farmer's Market -- being aware that many places calling themselves “Farmer's Markets” are just produce stands erected once or twice a week to sell conventional produce, that exact same low quality stuff you can buy at your local supermarket anytime.

We at www.optimalgardens.blogspot.com believe in people creating and maintaining their own Organic and Sustainable Gardens, and this is much simpler as you might think. The entire website is dedicated to the issue, and every article on our website can be freely reproduced by anyone, as long as it is on a non-commercial basis and they do not modify it in any way, so you can use this material to launch your own local formal or informal grass-roots movement, right where you live. Anywhere in the world.

Please email us for more information and to get on our mailing list, and of course visit the website.
Location: Your backyard or Community Garden space


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