Tuesday, September 2, 2008

ComAd09 - CANCER IS or was YOUR CHOICE. The good news: Actually it's a reversible choice!

ComAd09 - CANCER IS or was YOUR CHOICE. The good news: Actually it's a reversible choice!

This ad is also a dramatic one, and even more focused than ComAd08. It focuses on the fact that optimal system homeostasis when it comes to human hardware [that is, “optimal health”] is entirely dependent on the quality of the components and of the input. In other words, we are what we eat, ingest and breathe. And that dramatic imbalances such as cancer are always directly or indirectly function of the way we eat, of our diet.

Most people know that every seven years, absolutely every part of our bodies has been changed at the molecular and atomic level – we are truly brand new. This, of course, is a continuous and on-going process process of equilibrium maintenance and self-repair that ends only with death. But what very few seem to realize is what this means in practice.

What this means in practice is that there is nothing more important than providing our system with quality components and input: Eating right, and the right things. Otherwise, sooner or later, we are going to pay for what we do, and cancer is one of the currencies our body uses to tell us that what we eat is less than optimal. Others being cardio-vascular diseases and stroke, diabetes, immune system collapses, etc

To reverse these imbalances, we need on-going access to unadulterated, organic, minimally processed or ideally completely non-processed (that is, RAW) foods and beverages that are attuned to the needs of our body. For this, we need access to our own “potager” or food garden, or at least a local community garden or a CSA [Community-Supported Agriculture] project.

A “dramatic” ad like this one might actually help awaken someone who is sick, or has some friend or family member who is ill, and make them aware that most illnesses are reversible, particularly “modern” degenerative illnesses arising from conventional adulterated foods and environmental pollution and the SAD (Standard American Diet”) way of eating.


CANCER IS or was YOUR CHOICE. The good news: It's a reversible choice!

GETTING CANCER WAS YOUR CHOICE, if you already have it. Or it is a choice you are very possibly making every day, right now: According to government projections, you have one chance in two to be among the half of the U.S. population, who is going to get cancer sometimes in their lifetime...

So you are not alone in making or having made that choice!

In addition, what can be said of cancer can as well be said of stroke and cardio-vascular diseases, as well as basically any other degenerative or chronic diseases. To say nothing about diabetes and obesity. You get them because YOU CHOSE TO GET THEM. As simple as that!

Sure, these choices were rarely conscious ones. They are more choices of ignorance rather than proactive ones. However, if you already got acquainted with the consequences of these choices, the latest developments in nutrition science make it clear that disease was a choice, YOUR choice, a choice YOU made. Period.

The GOOD NEWS, however, is that cancer as well as most of similar choices we made by eating the way we did are actually reversible choices. Exactly as most people do actually choose on an ongoing basis to get cancer and all these "modern" diseases, you could, if you wanted, choose to get rid of them all: In fact, this is entirely up to you!

Email us, and we will send you information about diet and nutrition, and what you can do to change your previous choices. This, at no costs to you -- we have nothing for sale, we are a grass-roots non-profit organization dedicated to research in organic and sustainable gardening and farming -- and anything that needs to be done could entirely be done by yourself. Even if, of course, you could as well have it done for you at very little costs. Costs which, if any, objectively should come out of your health care budget.

These latest developments in nutrition are explained in details in the conclusions of a scientific study you ought to read. These conclusions are actually quite simple: You simply need to change the way you eat. As we all do.

There is impeccable peer-reviewed science behind this. In fact, it's based on the most extensive (20 years-long) study of human nutrition ever made, under the auspices of the University of Oxford, Cornell University and a division of the the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Anyone who ignore their findings does so at their own peril, and will pay in form of one or more encounters with some of the diseases that kill us.

Send us an email, and we will reply with material that will allow you to explore the facts about diet and nutrition exemplified in this study, plus an overview of your options when it comes to use gardening to change your diet. And the state of your health. We have nothing to sell, we are simply a grass-root not-for-profit informal group of people dedicated to Research in Health through Organic and Sustainable Gardening and Farming.

Please email us for more information, and also look at optimalgardens.blogspot.com for more material.


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