Wednesday, September 3, 2008

ComAd12 - The true secrets of Weightloss, Weight Control, Youthfulness and Youthful Appearance.

ComAd12 - The true secrets of Weightloss, Weight Control, Youthfulness and Youthful Appearance.

This ad a more general version of an earlier barter ad. At first, it appears to focus on issue generally recognized as being associated to women's interest: Weight, appearance, etc. But it quickly shifts to the real underlying and more general issue of Health, since weight, appearance, youthfulness and health all in the end boil down to the same general basic issue: How we eat and what we eat.

This ad introduces “The China Project” and calls upon considering growing one's own foods, as much as can be done. Of course, at the time being, this is unlikely to happen too often, as most people don't have the time or inclination to do so. So it reminds the reader that this can be done for them, or for a fee, or in some sort of barter arrangement. And that, sooner or later, ready-made gardens will be widely available.

However, one fact seems inescapable when you look at the reaction to the type of information found here: Even the people who actually understand the issue, and would *want to* do something about it, are still unlikely to have ready access to Organic and Sustainable Foods grown locally anytime soon. Not until automated gardening systems are widely available at reasonable costs, making it easy for everyone to start addressing the true needs of their body and do what is right.

This leads back to the issue that there is a huge market here, waiting to be taped, and that nothing will truly reach the many, until entrepreneurs start addressing the issue. Fortunately, it's quite clear that interest in doing so is rising, because anyone who does a little bit of market research will soon find out that interest is high, so there is potential demand, while offer is practically nil.

How long it will take for people to be able to order a ready-made garden from Home Depot or Walmart in the morning, and start enjoying it by the evening, remains to be seen...

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The true secrets of Weightloss, Weight Control, Youthfulness and Looks(Westside preferably, possibly anywhere!
Reply to: Date: 2008-09-03, 2:01PM PDT

Believe it or not, this might be the most important ad you ever read in your entire life, because besides weight and appearances issues, there is one more thing what I am going to tell you about also addresses: Optimal Health. Even if it doesn't even try to *sell you* anything! So read it carefully!

The original title of this ad was: "Health, Ideal Weight & Youthfulness -Yours just for the asking & at no costs to you!", and it is exactly what is covered here.

The final secret of it is quite simple: Grow yourself what your body needs, and EAT IT!

Read on, and you will see how simple and cost-effective this can be...

Actually, fact is that if you have a piece of land around your house, even just an useless lawn, you might be able to turn around your life in a quite amazing way!

You can of course do it yourself, and consider whatever work is needed to create and maintain your own “potager” as healthy “exercise”. You can have it done for you for a consideration. And it could also be done for you in some barter arrangement. And of course if you have some REAL land somewhere near, and some water, you might be even better off, as there is quite some money to be made locally addressing the needs of everyone to eat right! The same goes if you have some money, and are interested in making even more of it by providing people with something they badly need and can barely find at any cost: Handy sources of unadulterated foods and beverages. Preferably right in their backyard or rooftop. At any rate, read on, but if you feel interested by any of the above intriguing potential for related businesses, please feel free to send us an email!

Today, and finally, the true facts are not hidden anymore: Actually, there is one study a whole array of specific interest groups don't want you to know about, even if it has been hailed as "the most comprehensive study on human nutrition ever made". For some corporate interests, keeping your eyes away from the conclusions of that study has become quite a priority, in fact, because this research has been done impeccably, under the authority of a man with the highest academic and scientific credentials, and is totally unimpeachable.

The result of over 20 years of painstaking research, and the crowning of a career spawning close to 50 years that produced over 300 peer-reviewed papers, this study has been done with the full help and support of all the Health Authorities and the Academy of Science of the most populous country on Earth, China, under the direction of one of the best scientific heads in contemporary science, Pr Dr T. Colin Campbell, by a team consisting of researchers from two of the most prestigious U.S. And British Universities, Cornell, and Oxford. In fact, the author is Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University, in Ithaca, New York, and in close to 50 years of research has received more than 70 grant-years of peer-reviewed research funding. Meaning that, being long tenured, he can (and does!) say things that would get anyone else fired under the direst of pressure in a matter of days...

If you were to read only one book this year, it's quite safe to say that it should be the one that reports the findings of these studies! A book, of course, 99.999% of people have never heard about... even if it was acknowledged by the New York Times as a seminal book, and the nec plus ultra of all nutritional research.

Of course and needless to say, there is a good reason for this silence: What this study proves is perhaps the simplest and most inconvenient truths of all: Today, the true causes of obesity, diabetes, most immune system dysfunction, etc, and most diseases, particularly chronic and degenerative ones, are perfectly known!

Not that anything is going to be done about it. For if we, as a society, started to do something about it, some very powerful vested interests would lose not billions, but literally trillions of dollars. Each year!

Thus, it is quite self-evident that no action will be officially taken about it anytime soon...

The good news, however, is that nothing stops YOU of reading this study (knowledge of that nature has yet to be made illegal in any way), draw your own conclusion, and do something about it *yourself*. In fact, if issues such as weight, cancer or even physical appearance are of any interest to you, doing something about it is simply a must.

Of course, this is something I highly encourage you to do! Send me an email, and I will give you all the website references which I am forbidden to publish here. (Let's try anyway: optimalgardens.blogspot is the place you want to go, just add a dot-com at the end). There, you will find out what it takes to get well, how simple that is, and why you probably won't hear about it anywhere else anytime soon.

More, the websites and other materials we will give you access to, at no costs to you whatsoever, as we are totally not-for-profit, will show you how easy it is to act upon your new found knowledge, and you will get informed on an on-going basis each time there is some new data popping up.

Also, we have an informal grassroots group teaming up to put this type of information to use the best we can. We even have people interested in bartering work in exchange for access to land, etc... usually people experienced in growing Organic and Sustainable Foods, which also means that it will be done optimally, as some have a lifetime of experience in these matters... More, if you are located in other places than Southern California, we allow you to freely use all our material to actually start your own local formal or informal grass-roots team or group. (See our copyright and licensing notice).

In any event, and not surprisingly, the conclusions of the research we are referring to here are in essence exactly identical to the conclusion the only physician to ever get TWO Nobel Prizes (missing a third by a hair's width), Pr Dr Otto Warburg, came to in his time: Almost all degenerative diseases, that is, diseases that are not infectious in nature (and, in addition, most of our our susceptibility to infectious diseases, and even to genetic predispositions, that is to say, in practice, a good proportion of all infectious and genetics-related diseases as well) can be traced to one main cause: What we eat, and the way we eat it.

This is why Dr Warburg, in practice, refused to eat anything that wasn't grown in his own garden or by people he personally knew and trusted!. The same was true of the founder of the Waldorf schools, Rudolf Steiner, and is true of many prominent people still today, even if they rarely advertise the fact – Dr Warburg was made fun of by his colleagues, because of it. This was also the case of people such as the de facto founder of the European ecological movement, Andre Birre, or of Dr Johanna Budwig, an alternative medicine specialist who nonetheless died so close to a centenarian as the difference does not matter.

Perhaps these people knew something most of us do not.

Fundamentally, the whole issue could be resumed this way : Every trip you make to the supermarket or the fast food joint gets you nearer to your grave.

Of course, it's unlikely to kill you right away, but it certainly almost guarantees that you will remain a good "medical consumer" forever. That your health and the health of your family will continue to slowly deteriorate and fall, your weight rise, and your appearance degrade. Of course, it also in practice guarantees that under the spell of mass hypnosis that nowadays passes for "medicine", you will buy more or more of these wonderful drugs that will make you even sicker...

Actually, according to official governmental statistics, today, the major all-over-the-board cause of death are "iatrogenic diseases", that is, diseases caused or aggravated by "health care". And a little-known but quite revealing statistic is that in the U.S., physicians die at an average age of 57 to 58, giving them a shorter lifespan than almost any other profession there is. In fact, many years ago a Dr of Veterinary Medicine identified the fact, and went on to use it to promote his business venture under the catchy title of "Dead Doctors Don't Lie". Over 50 million of these tapes were sold over the years, and it is estimated that over 200 million people have listened to that tape in one form or another. So, there is truly nothing new under the sun here...

This should of course come to no surprise to many : Since MDs in practice get their drugs for free, and are also the "beneficiaries" of a lifetime of brainwashing leading them to believe in their own trade of "allopathic medicine", obviously, they tend to use and overuse drugs. More, the average medicine curriculum, until recently, had something like ONE hour dedicated to nutrition... Not one hour per week, or month, or even year. One hour, total. Well-informed people, indeed, the ones Dr Robert Mendelssohn, the author of “Confessions of a Medical Heretic”, called the “Priests of the Established Church of Official Medicine”!

Now, if you think about all this, you will immediately recognize that the sort of knowledge this study (officially known as "The China Project") brought us is something the "Food and Disease" administration and industrial complex certainly do not want you to know about. Obviously, once you learn about it, sooner or later the vested interests who want you addicted to junk foods and chronically would lose your patronage, at least in part (since it always is hard to overcome a lifetime of habits, particularly the bad ones...).

This is why you most probably never heard about that report till now. A report which, by the way, has nonetheless been referred to as the "Grand Prix of Epidemiology" by The New York Times. Spanning over 20 years in one specific study, atop of 30 more years of related research by the study's director, Pr T. Colin Campbell, this is the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted in the known history of humankind. As simple as that! Which does not mean that you ever heard about it, of course.

Now, forget about all the theories, the fad diets that kill (think Atkins Diet here, and aspartame or sucralose-based "Diet" soda and foods, etc), etc...

For a change, this is rock-solid research, with conclusions that can hardly be questioned by anyone serious, as they are quite inescapable. And the message this research conveys is in truth amazingly simple :

Almost all diseases, and certainly the most common ones such as cancers, cardio-vascular disease, immune system related diseases, diabetes, allergies, obesity, degraded appearance, etc, etc... have, in the end, a very simple and straightforward common cause, NUTRITION.

That is, the way we eat and what we eat.

The good news is that the logical corollary of this statement is that, if we are what we eat, consequently, diseases can almost all be prevented, and some very easily. And even reversed. Often almost at no or very little costs. A quite amazing fact!

Thus, in other words, it is not complicated or costly to completely change your life, and the life of the people you care for, friends and family! In fact, at the most basic level, you could go quite a long way in that direction all by yourself with no other expense than the little elbow grease (also called "exercise") that would be needed to actually *grow yourself* some organic and sustainable foods. But if you are not "exercise"-inclined, remember that you can contract experienced people to do this for you, or even in some places buy "ready-made" gardens. Or that this could even be done for you in some barter arrangement, as many people who do not have land are willing to do the work in exchange for a share of the crop.

Just email us, and we will send you all the basic references about all this, which you can then further check out at no costs to you on the Internet : All the relevant data is out there, you just have to know what you are looking for.

At any rate, don't become just another statistic! Don't listen to unsupported theories and fads! Learn research-based hard facts that will motivate and inspire you to better health, better looks, and all in one, a much better and happier life!

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