Thursday, December 18, 2008


[OGa-000 -100]

Animals are complex biological systems exactly like we, human beings, are.

Consequently, the same guiding principles apply, particularly the garbage in-garbage out principle, which explains so many of our "modern" diseases, particularly obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer, plus almost all degenerative conditions such as arthritis, Alzheimer's, etc...

More, when animals are actually raised for human consumption, there the "food chain multiplication effect" to consider: Animals become what *they* eat, accumulate toxins in their fat, organs and muscle mass, and we, in turn, become what they eat through them.

Junk foods generate junk lives, and animals raised in the way of the agro-industrial complex generate sickly and obese humans, after having become sickly and obese animals. As well as sickly and obese pets as well, when our pets eat animal-based foods in their diets, such as dogs and cats do.

Look around you, if you are not yet convinced. Even children are getting obese nowadays, and the 30 pounds housecat is no more an odd rarity.

Industrial agriculture, with its bottom-line-oriented practices that totally disregard quality in favor of quantity ultimately produces what we have become at large: Obese, chronically ill, sick and pathetic imitations of a what a human being could be. And the same goes with our pets: That housecat is not really a natural occurrence. It wouldn't survive three days in the wild, maybe not even three hours, when cats are in fact perhaps the most superbly adapted small predators of all, the very model of survivors.

Considering that the chickens or turkey offals they eat in their processed foods come from the very chickens and turkeys WE eat, birds which are fed each other's carcasses as well as chicken feces plus ground diseased animals and "euthanised" pets (yes, Rex and Rover get recycled!), that supermarket beef eats ground-up diseased sheep, roadkill and "euthanised" pets as well, even if the practice is now supposedly banned, and that the same goes for pigs, plus that all this happy crowd, when they don't feast on each other, is filled to the brim with GMOs, herbicides, pesticides, synthetic hormones and antibiotics, and who knows what else, how can we wonder if most of us wallow in diabetes, obesity, chronic illnesses, cancer, heart disease, etc?

And the same is of course true for our pets. At least, *we* are not fed food seasoned with processed animal feces in pellet form. Well... at least not yet!

Could this all change? Could farm animals and pets alike be fed organic and healthy foods? Definitely, and "Wonderplants" and "Miracle Trees" such as the Moringa tree are poised to play a major part in such a necessary change.

For example, the agricultural experimental station run by Foidl & Foidl conducted extensive trials using Moringa leaves as cattle feed for both beef and milk cows, swine feed, and poultry feed. The results were as expected, except that, as almost always with the Moringa and many other "wonderplants", expectations where not only met, but passed.

Wonderplants such as the Moringa do not only offer concentrated nutrition, but in the raw form, often also seem to reduce the activity of pathogenic bacteria and molds, and improve the digestibility of other foods, thus helping not only human beings, but also farm animals and pets express their natural genetic potential.

In other words, plants such as the Moringa, herbs such as certain Artemisias, and mushrooms such as Agaricus Blazeii, to name just a few, are both nutrition and adaptogens with coming with strong pro-genetic factors. They perfectly answer the old Hippocratic injunction: "Let thy food be thy medicine!"

It is most important for our own health to feed farm animals healthy foods that are minimally processed and not denaturated with herbicides, pesticides, GMOs, synthetic hormones and antibiotics: These all end on our own tables, often in a form concentrated as they are passed up along the food chain, and wreak havoc on our already weak and compromised immune systems and hormonal (im)balances.

What is said here of farm animal feeds is as valid for pet food. Sure, from a human health point of view, what pets eat might appear of less importance, since after all, we are not supposed to eat our pets, and usually don't. But there is no doubt that the overall health and appearance (coat, in particular) of pets reacts very well to the addition of organic wholesome functional foods to their diet. And that happiness and well-being in pets usually translates in increased well-being in the pet's owner.

Actually, a whole new industry of wonderplants-based pet food and pet care product might someday arise, once pet owners realize the benefits of adding them to the diet of their animal companions. But even before that happens, since we made these animals our pets, we should also think about *their* health!

Interested in manufacturing or distributing Organic and Sustainable pet foods? Please contact us! All our blogs are tied to an email address which is "blog name @" (without any spaces and quotation marks).


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